Repos ! - definizione. Che cos'è Repos !
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Cosa (chi) è Repos ! - definizione

Mon Repos (disambiguation); Monrepos

Repoš () was a name found in medieval Serbia; it was mentioned in 14th-century charters as a byname (or surname), and in the early 15th century as a given name.
Étienne Repos         
Jean-Baptiste Étienne Repos (1803–1872) was a French publisher who specialised in works on liturgy, religion and history.
Le Repos (Picasso)         
Le Repos (French, 'Rest') is an oil-on-canvas painting created by Pablo Picasso in 1932. It depicts a portrait of Marie-Thérèse Walter, the artist's lover and muse, in a sleeping pose.


Mon Repos

Mon Repos or Monrepos (French for "my place of rest") may refer to:

Esempi dal corpus di testo per Repos !
1. He prefers the development of a secondary market for Shariah–compliant derivatives including repos.
2. The 15 percent withholding tax will remain for deposits and repos for Turkish and foreign residents alike. 7.
3. Le Repos is the first, largest and most historically important of three great paintings executed by Picasso at the end of January 1'32.
4. We want more police!" Mon Repos is usually a bustling marketplace on Saturdays, but everything was closed as irate villagers yelled at soldiers who began to arrive.
5. Le Repos, a portrayal of Olga Khokhlova, his Russian ballerina wife, fetched nearly $35m (just over 1'm) at New York rival Christie‘s on Tuesday.